Monday 30 July 2012

Week 1

5 Things Learned About the Sandbox Folder Structure

bin32 folder contains Editor and launcher that they are capable with 32 bit Windows.
likewise, bin64 folder contains those files that they would run faster on 64 bit system.
Game folder has pak files which they contain particles, sounds and textures.
I can install plugins for photoshop by dragging some from tools folder to photoshop folder.
Engine folder contains files for the cryengine itself like animation, dynamics, shaders.

Tips and Tricks Related To the Sandbox User Interface

pressing ctrl and G keys can directly switch to the game.
AI/Physics (ctrl + P) buttons starts the AI and physics, while staying in editor mode.
Speed that allows to adjust speed of moving camera.
Asset browser allows to add textures, sounds and models.
the terrain tool allows entities to snap to the terrain and objects.
the 2 numbers on the right corner shows the resolution currently used.  Right click to change the resolution.
viewports can be changed by right clicking perspective and enables views. e.g wireframe views.
select objects tool will show all the objects used in your map.
Ctrl + click allows to select multiple objects.
lock selection allows to only work with selected objects

5 Ways To customize the Sandbox Editor Setup

you can also attach the windows to the side of the screen and attach it. 
dragging popup windows to the side icons allows you to make it into a side panel.
allows you to have keyboard commands in the customize bar under the tab Keyboards.
Configure user command- macros. Can make them for common tasks, such as toggling sound+music.
merging windows allows editor to have a sample view, keeping screen less busy.

3 Different Ways Of Moving Around Level

W for zooming in, A to turn Left, D to turn Right, S for zooming out.
once entering your test world pressing F3 will allow your character to fly while having Ai physics on.
adjusting the camera spped to move faster or slower.

5 Shortcuts or Buttons

Ctrl  + C: Clone selected object.
Ctrl + Z: Undo
3rd person/1st person  =  F1
Delete object = Delete
Ctrl + G: switch to game 

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