Sunday 28 October 2012

Week 12


Well, I don't know what exactly happened,
 when I replaced a few of textures.

still in progress

still in progress

still in progress

still in progress

still in progress

still in progress

still in progress

nearly finished

nearly finished

nearly finished

nearly finished

in progress

nearly finished

nearly finished

nearly finished

nearly finished

nearly finished

nearly finished

nearly finished

nearly finished

nearly finished

nearly finished

nearly finished


The way I demonstrate Rudin House abandoned after 100 years is to use a variety of vegetation as decays, as it is far away from residential area, which it is in rural area. So I have chosen many types of texture for the house. For example, I have found concrete and marble texture with green dirt that it refers to the decay of plants. I also created a pond of water with aquatic vegetations, and put some trees on destructed areas of building. And I made a rustic and broken metal roof that was under the corrosion of rain especially acid rain. All of these suggest that within this 100 years, there were also some natural hazards and vegetation growth assisting to destruct the building. Further, the reason for the abandonment was that before 100 years ago, there was a man-made disaster that  there was a kind of deadly virus spreading around that area, and lots of citizen are infected, isolated and died. So within the fences, there was a 'virus zone' with a biohazard sign. Meanwhile, there was also a large evacuation near the Rudin House, so that the house was abandoned. To conclude, the main issue of destruction is the dominance of various vegetation and a few natural hazards like acid rain and earthquake.

3ds Max:



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